2. Data Controller

2. Define the controller

In order to pull and push the data from the database, we need to define the controller. The controller is the place where we define the logic of the application.

import Gravity
final class LandmarkBase: RemoteObjectDelegate {
    typealias Element = Landmark // Tells the RemoteObjectDelegate which type of object it is working with
    var store = try! Store<LandmarkBase>(reference: "landmarks") // Defines the store where the data will be stored and cached
    func pull(request: RemoteRequest<Landmark>) async throws -> [Landmark] {
        // Fetches the data from the database
    func push(elements: [Landmark]) async throws {
        // Pushes the data to the database
    static var shared = LandmarkBase() // Defines the shared instance of the controller

The RemoteObjectDelegate protocol also supports other methods, and you can find more information about them in the RemoteObjectDelegate page.