3. Display your data

3. Display your data

Now that you have your data model & controller set up, you can display your data in your views. There are two ways to do this, depending on the type of data you want to display.

Displaying a single record

If you want to display a single record, you can use the RemoteObject property wrapper. This property wrapper will fetch the data from the server depending on your request, and will update the view when the data changes. You can use this property wrapper in your view almost like a @State property wrapper.

@RemoteObject<LandmarkBase>(request: .id("any-id")) var landmark

Sometimes, you also might want to wait for the request before loading the data. In that case, you can use the RemoteObject property wrapper with the waitForRequest parameter.

@RemoteObject<LandmarkBase>(waitForRequest: true) var landmark
init(id: String) {
    _landmark.updateRequest(request: .id(id))

Displaying multiple records

If you want to display multiple records, you can use the RemoteObjects property wrapper. It works almost the same as the RemoteObject property wrapper, but it will fetch multiple records instead of a single record.

@RemoteObjects<LandmarkBase>(request: .all) var landmarks

You can also use the RemoteObjects property wrapper with the waitForRequest parameter.

@RemoteObjects<LandmarkBase>(waitForRequest: true) var landmarks
init(ids: [String]) {
    _landmarks.updateRequest(request: .ids(ids)) // Or you can use .all to fetch all records